Hatha - Vinyasa Yoga

In-person or online yoga classes to help you get started or develop your own personal practice.

In-person yoga classes open to all levels in Lisbon. Learn about meditation, breathing techniques and asanas (yoga postures).

Bring a better quality of life to your employees and lower their stress and anxiety levels.

What yoga means to me


My introduction to Yoga happened a decade ago while living in China.

Like so many, it all started with the physical practice. My gym was offering classes and I just gave it a try. I had no idea it would hold such a big place in my life, teaching me and making me grow so much along the way.

Then came the connection to breath, the awareness of the body, the being more present, more patient, more confident and the surrendering to life. That was the start of my spiritual practice.

By doing the yoga teacher training certification, I was able to dive deeper and it never stopped. I was and am still craving to know more. I believe that we are students our whole life and that anybody can teach us something. 

I used to be VERY impatient, reckless, loud, anxious and judgmental. Then yoga came into my life. I teach Hatha – Vinyasa Yoga online or in Lisbon, Portugal, where I live since 2017. My classes are taught in French or in English, are open to all levels and have a strong emphasis on alignment and the connection to the body.

My goal is for my students to become more aware of their body & breath and guide them to become smart practitioner.

Let's talk !